Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lauren's First Day of School

Our little girl made it through the first day of school and came home with SMILES....When I asked her how school was she said "It was Great! We went to recess, sang some songs, rested so her brain can grow bigger, talked about the weather and even went to the computer lab." (The boys didn't think that was fair that she already went to the computer lab.) Lauren made some friends but their was one little girl she liked but couldn't remember her name only that it was a Spanish name.

Coming off of the bus, its a little blurry because the kids are so fast. Lauren said her bus driver Maria is very nice she even said "Hi Lauren."

The Bus Stop....There are probably 10+ kids at our bus stop and everyone is very friendly. Counting me there are three moms with the name Jen.

Well after we saw the kids off... Derek, Aubrey and I came home and cleaned up the breakfast rush, did some dishes, bath time for Derek and Aubrey, and then we went to the Old Town Manassas' Farmers Market. It is right by the train station and they have this old train that the kids can play on. Aubrey was asleep for most of the time so it was just me and D. We had so much fun checking out all of the vendors and then for our treat we picked out an apple it was the BEST tasting apple. Aubrey started crying because Derek stuck his finger in her mouth, he told me she likes his fingers. So we will have to take more pictures next Thursday, we can't wait to go back!


  1. I think the world is over populated with Jen's (ha ha j/k) I am glad she is resting that big brain of hers, very very important! I am sad that it will be two years before we get to see you all! Lauren looks so big, I can't believe she rides the bus now (and its not even the short bus either)! Miss you all, and love you guys!

    p.s. Skull shirts rock!!!

  2. Yay for school! So please tell me you ate a honey crisp apple - we ate some at the eastern market and they were DELICIOUS! Oh and don't worry, I checked - we don't have them here! Rude.
